S.F.Y.K.TH was founded on 27-5-1987. It was recognized by the G. Γ. It was founded on 27-27-27-1987 and was registered by the General Secretariat of Sports on 14-2-1989 as a Sports Association.
The purpose of the club:
1) Promotion and dissemination of the sport of free-diving underwater hunting.
2) To contribute to the protection of the underwater fauna and flora and in general the natural and technical wealth.
3) The exchange of knowledge and experience between members on underwater hunting and the behaviour of marine organisms.
4) The strengthening of relations between the underwater hunters of Thessaloniki.
5) The cooperation and exchange of programs with other clubs in the country and abroad.
6) The inclusion of the club in the power of the competent federation.
The activities vary from time to time but have as their main focus.